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Potain cranes conquer jobsite with footprint restrictions at downtown Phoenix development

  • An MD 485 top-slewing crane and an go T 85 A self-erecting crane were strategically positioned to reach the full Haverly Apartments jobsite.
  • Both cranes were assembled in tight spaces and needed to offer a small footprint to fit on the jobsite without sacrificing reach. 解决方案: 
    • An MD 485 with ZX 6830 cross-base — impressive free-standing heights and small 19.占地面积7平方英尺,无需浇筑基础.
    • An go T 85 A — Potain self-erecting cranes come standard with a small 22 sq ft installed cross-base and an industry-leading small erection footprint.

Two Potain tower cranes have proved the ideal fit for the tight working spaces available at the Haverly Apartments development site in downtown Phoenix. 的起重机, 一台MD 485顶回转式起重机和一台Igo t85a自立式起重机, were strategically positioned and together able to reach every corner of the jobsite.

The project started with assembling the MD 485 on a cross base with just a few inches to spare in the building’s small courtyard. Even though the crane has a 262-ft jib and 119 ft height under the hook, 工地上有一个角落是MD 485无法到达的. 罗经设备 concluded another crane would be needed to complete the job to maximize jobsite build efficiency.

“The challenge with this missing area was that a second crane would have to fit into a very tight space with a lot of obstacles,凯利·哈德兰解释道, 罗经设备首席执行官, 为该项目提供波特起重机的公司. “首先, it had to stay below the MD 485’s jib yet be tall enough to clear the building with rigging and have room to place loads. 其次, its footprint had to stay inside a 25 sq ft area right next to the building, as access to the jobsite for materials and construction had to remain open.”

工作空间如此有限, any crane outside the 25 sq ft footprint would have blocked machinery traffic and created a safety hazard. 让事情变得更有挑战性, jobsite obstacles were only 45 ft away from where the second crane had to be placed, 然而,一些负载需要放置在距离它们20英尺的范围内. 据哈德兰说, it was critical that the second crane would be able to swing high above these obstacles and have zone restriction to prevent contact with them.

“要考虑所有这些方面, I could only think about one solution: The Potain go T 85 A self-erecting crane,哈德兰说. 有7种不同的钩下高度选择, we were able to set the height at a perfect spot that cleared the building and obstacles yet stayed under the larger tower crane, helping to keep productivity high while maintaining the factory’s minimum clearance requirements.”


The go T 85 A required only 22 sq ft of space (it has an 11 ft tail swing). Workers were able to fit the crane into a small space right next to the building. Getting it into the precise location was a challenge the team solved by using its GAPO power unit steerable axle.

“移动起重机不可能起作用, 据我们所知, no other model of self-erecting tower crane could have met all the other criteria,哈德兰总结道. “Self-erecting tower cranes are proving themselves more and more to be a great solution on tight jobsites where a lot of reach is required. 在这种情况下,Potain Igo t85 A是天作之合.”

两台波特起重机在工地上无缝地协同工作. By combining the large reach of the tower crane with the small footprint of the self-erecting crane, 罗经设备 was able to get “two hooks on the job” to complete the project much more efficiently than if it only had one crane. Potain’s “Top Zone” program restricted the space that the cranes could slew within so they could work in conjunction.

罗经设备 is supplying the cranes to builder Chasse Building Team. Haverly Apartments is a 323-unit residential complex located in a fast-growing area of the Arizona capital. 一旦完成, 该建筑将提供具有充足设施的出租住宅, 比如游泳池, 健身房和停车位.

美国起重机 & 运输 对本报告亦有贡献.

T +1 717 593 5960                                     

Potain ‘go T 85 A’ Self-erecting Tower Crane 工地现场 Assembly VIDEO

Potain cranes conquer jobsite with footprint restrictions at downtown Phoenix development (image 1)
Potain cranes conquer jobsite with footprint restrictions at downtown Phoenix development (image 2)