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  • 西班牙租赁公司Tinlohi将格罗夫起重机串联部署在一个风力发电场,然后在一个工业工厂. Both projects were completed without a hitch.
  • To dismantle the wind turbine, 起重机在不到一天的时间内完成了这项工作,包括所有的安装和拆除.
  • At the industrial plant, 起重机提供可靠的控制,将易碎部件移动到工作设施内的集散区.

当在巴利亚多利德当地面临几个具有挑战性的起重项目时, 西班牙起重机租赁公司Tinlohi请来了两辆最可靠的起重机来完成这项工作:250吨的Grove起重机 GMK5250XL-1 and 400 t Grove GMK6400

Alberto Lozano, commercial director at Tinlohi, said that while both cranes offer class-leading capacity and reach, 它们流畅的控制和可靠的性能使它们成为项目的首选.

“对于每一项工作,负载的重量都不是真正的问题. 挑战在于组件的大小和当地条件的复杂性。. “我们已经知道每个项目要使用两台起重机,而且它们必须可靠. So, it was an easy choice to select the GMK6400 and GMK5250XL-1.” 

Wind work

The first job took place in Palencia, in northwest Spain, 这对夫妇在哪里能够在一天内拆除风力涡轮机——包括所有的准备工作. GMK6400安装了35吨的配重,以支持其最大60米的臂架和30米的固定臂架. It lifted just over two-thirds of the load. 在它旁边,五轴的GMK5250XL-1也安装了它的最大吊杆(78.5 m) and fitted with a 9.4 m jib. The counterweight was 30.5吨为GMK5250XL-1管理其作用,支持三分之一的负载. Components were lowered from a height of 90 m.

“Although each load was only 11 t, 36米长的涡轮叶片太棘手了,仅用一台起重机无法处理,” said Alberto Lozano. “It goes without saying that local site conditions were windy, 涡轮叶片的特殊外形使它们难以操作. 它们从直径2米的地方开始逐渐变细,在那里它们加入了轮毂,在尖端几乎没有. 我们和马尼托瓦克公司谈过,他们制定了一个非常有效的提升计划. Despite local conditions, unusual loads, 同时协调两台起重机,我们在一天之内就把所有的东西都包好了.” 
For the set up on the wind farm, the GMK6400 was located next to the turbine mast, where it could support the extra weight and lift at a 24 m radius. The GMK5250XL-1 was then set up 16 m away to lift at a 22 m radius. 


Team up to tear down

Less than an hour’s drive south of the wind farm in Valladolid, 两台格罗夫起重机再次会合,开始了一项复杂的拆卸任务. This time the load was heavier, 当他们从气化厂移走一根重达55吨的干燥管时,每台起重机都承担着相同的负担. With boom length set to 40 m, the GMK6400 employed 45 t of counterweight, while the GMK5250XL-1 was configured with 62.5 t of counterweight and a 41.2 m boom.

“This was another challenging project, 因为我们必须协调每个升降机的摆动,以通过筒仓之间的管道部分进入集结区,” said Lozano. 尽管如此,所有的工作——包括准备工作——都在午餐前顺利完成了.”

尽管GMK6400在六轴上有最强的载荷图,GMK5250XL-1在五轴上有最长的臂架, 这两只鹤证明了比它们的标题特征更重要的东西.

“These Grove cranes are so versatile. 在水轮机工程中,为了避免负荷滑落,每个吊钩块的下降速度必须保持一致,” concluded Lozano. “由于起重机上的高效控制系统,我们能够确保这一点. The operators were able to work in perfect harmony, to ensure each job was completed smoothly, quickly, and safely.”


Anna Theilen
Marketing Communication Specialist
Mobile Cranes Europe & Africa
T +49 4421 294 4632