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  • 工地现场

Implenia partners with Stirnimann and Potain on Central Malley project in 瑞士

  • When Implenia needed cranes for a complex construction project in western Lausanne, 瑞士, Potain dealer Stirnimann offered a holistic and tailored approach to meet the demands of the site.
  • The solution involved one Potain MDT 308 and three MDT 389 top-slewing tower cranes to lift materials for buildings up to 80 m in height close to the railway line.
  • Stirnimann’s longstanding expertise and dedication to customer service ensured a seamless process for the design and assembly of the cranes. 

Swiss real estate and construction services company Implenia has rented four Potain top-slewing tower cranes from local dealer Stirnimann for the Central Malley project in Lausanne. This project is a new eco-district to meet environmental challenges and promote energy autonomy, 其中包括23名,700平方米办公室, 200个住房单元分布在14个,700平方米和3,800平方米的商业空间.

Implenia approached Stirnimann for its effective customer service as a Potain dealer since 1986. Based on precise specifications and lifting requirements, Stirnimann proposed the most suitable crane types and configurations for the site, while also providing valuable input on installation. This close collaboration extended to the client's design office, ensuring a holistic and tailored approach.

“Several factors make this a complex and unique project with building heights reaching 80 m and the location of two towers close to the SBB railway. 出于这些原因, we needed a reliable partner in whom we could have total confidence in terms of skills and professionalism. The understanding with Stirnimann employees was the icing on the cake,弗洛里安·拉米-卢梭说, Implenia的项目经理.

米歇尔·杰罗姆, 斯特尼曼的技术经理, added: “Implenia and Stirnimann have worked hand in hand to meet the project’s diverse requirements. The collaboration in designing and assembling the cranes has been a pleasure.”

Stirnimann’s solution included one Potain MDT 308 and three MDT 389 top-slewing tower cranes equipped with cameras, the Potain Top Tracing 3 interference system, the new Potain CONNECT telematics system, 航空照明. The cranes were cofingured as follows:

  • Crane 1: MDT 389 on sealing feet (P800) with a 75.吊钩高度02米,吊钩长度50米
  • Crane 2: MDT 389 on a 10 x 10 m chassis (JM850) with an 89.吊钩高度4米,吊钩长度60米
  • Crane 3: MDT 308 on a 6 x 6 m chassis (V60) with a 58 m hook height and 55 m reach
  • Crane 4: MDT 389 on a 10 x 10 chassis (JM850) with a 94.吊钩高度3米,长度60米

The Potain MDT 389 has a maximum load capacity of 16 t and 3.在75米的吊臂末端. However, it will primarily handle loads of 11 t at 30 m and 6 t at 55 m. The cranes will operate daily from 7 am to 6 pm, and the project is estimated to last between 24 and 30 months.


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