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佛罗里达海牛从坦帕动物园的shuttellift SCD09工业起重机上获得“提升”

  • 佛罗里达动物园获得了一台专门用于支持其海牛康复计划的shuttellift甲板起重机, 在运输卡车和水池之间转移动物,并提供有效的每日称重解决方案. 
  • 动物园工作人员非常欣赏这种高机动性起重机的直观易用性.
  • 新起重机取代了20多年来提供卓越支持的老式梭梭升降机3330E, helping hundreds of manatees receive treatment at the facility.


To support its successful manatee care and rehabilitation program, ZooTampa has purchased a new Shuttlelift SCD09 carrydeck crane, 取代了为该项目工作人员服务了20多年的老式穿梭升降机起重机.

These increasingly threatened, gentle sea mammals have endured habitat loss, dangers such as cold stress and red tide poisoning, and many are hit by boats navigating Florida waters, sometimes leading to animal fatalities.

坦帕动物园的大卫·A. 小Straz. 海牛重症护理中心已经照顾了500多名重伤人员, 生病的, or orphaned manatees, returning more than 280 of them back to the wild. For the past 20-plus years, its trusty but aging 8.当这些脆弱的生物需要医疗和康复时,USt Shuttlelift 3330E被用来小心地搬运担架.

平均, ZooTampa admits 30-35 manatees into its hospital each year, although this figure is unfortunately increasing. And with its staff being on call 24/7 to receive stricken animals, 其新推出的9ust shuttle升降机SCD09对确保及时治疗至关重要, explained Lisa Dijenno, animal care supervisor at the zoo.

没有鹤, 当海牛第一次到达时,我们无法把它们从运输卡车上弄到它们的游泳池里, or from t在这里 into the medical school. Sometimes they can weigh around 2,000 lbs when they come in, and the pools are elevated above the ground, so we obviously can’t lift them by hand. 然后, when they’re ready for release, we need the crane to get them from the pool into the transport truck.”

The SCD09 also provides crucial services on a daily basis, added Molly Lippincott, curator of Florida and manatees at ZooTampa. “我们需要定期给这些动物称重,以监测它们是否增加了足够的体重——它们每天应该吃相当于体重16%的食物。. 平均, manatees weigh about 1,500磅, and can move pretty 快速ly when they want, so it’s important that we do what’s best for both them and us. We would not be able to function as a hospital without this crane.”

目前有13头海牛在该设施处于不同的康复阶段, 穿梭电梯的额定容量限制器(RCL)提供了一个非常有用的功能, conveniently displaying the calculated load on its full-color, 图形化显示. Although the center recently rescued a “tiny” 43 lbs newborn calf, some of its largest past patients have weighed upwards of 2,500磅, making their handling and transport the utmost priority.



考虑到很少有起重机操作员转行做动物园管理员, 最近,ZooTampa的几名工作人员接受了附近资源的培训和NCCCO认证.

“We learned a lot on the job with the 3330E over the years, practicing without animals to begin with, 但是Sims Crane, our local Shuttlelift dealer, 确保我们知道如何正确操作起重机,“Dijenno, 说.

利平科特补充说:“但我们所做的很多事情并不是真的可以教的。. “So, 我们花了很多时间一起研究对付海牛的最佳方法, to ensure its optimum well-being. Having a wild animal on the front of a crane can be dangerous, 因此,我们通常会提前开会,讨论如何充分调动他们,以及如果出现问题,我们的备用计划是什么.”

With so much at stake, 易于操作的SCD09 -启用的特点,如易于沙巴体育官方下载网址图形RCL系统, automotive-style dash panel, 和液压操纵杆控制-是ZooTampa员工的一个受欢迎的奖金. 

“Not only is the crane pretty intuitive to operate, but it’s also the perfect size for our needs,迪耶诺说. “It’s also pretty quiet, 快速, 和高效的, 当我们需要尽可能不受干扰地移动动物时,这真的很有用. 它紧凑的车架(长19英尺7英寸,宽7英尺3英寸)和三种转向模式(前转向), 四轮协调和四轮电子对中蟹式转向, it’s really easy to maneuver around the small area that we have, 确保我们能快速有效地在卡车和水池之间移动海牛.”

该设施有限的空间意味着可操作性是ZooTampa购买决策的关键因素, Lippincott说. 

“This crane has worked out incredibly well for us,迪耶诺说. “我们永远不知道某一天会发生什么——我们必须随时做好跳进起重机的心理准备。. And the great thing about the Shuttlelift is, because it’s so easy to use, we’ve always been successful in moving them properly.”

这一切都与传统工业应用的四型9 - 25 USt容量穿梭电梯范围相去甚远, with many models in Florida being involved in the phosphate business, 发电厂, and construction industry. 不过, the compact SCD09 was the obvious choice for ZooTampa, according to Jerome Willis, new equipment sales manager at Sims Crane, Florida’s largest crane service provider.

“Over 20 years ago, we started them off with our 8.从那以后,他们就一直在使用它,所以很明显,它做得很对. 但, 去年, they decided that they needed a new machine, so I came out to take another look at the location with Jaime Vaccaro, the animal care supervisor, and when she heard about the improvements 马尼托瓦克 made to the SCD09, the deal was done the same night.”

“他们热衷于利用的一个选择是双燃料GM3.0L EFI gasoline/LP gas engine, which creates a much more pleasant environment for wildlife,” added Tim Moffitt, regional business manager at 马尼托瓦克. “T在这里’s also an optional 12 ft swingaway jib, 尽管33英尺高的三段主吊杆足以满足动物园的起重需求. 独有的三位置旋转臂鼻[0°,40°或80°]是另一个有用的功能. 每一次采摘都可以顺利、可控地进行,确保对海牛的最大照顾.”

劳瑞公园的坦帕动物园由劳瑞公园动物协会运营, 一个独立的501(c)(3)慈善组织“致力于卓越的环境保护”, 教育, 娱乐, 和研究.“ZooTampa因其对佛罗里达物种的康复和护理而得到认可,并曾11次获得Trip Advisor旅行者选择奖(2010-2022)。, ranking among the top 10% of attractions worldwide.

To 了解更多 about ZooTampa’s manatee conservation program, click 在这里. To visit Sims Crane’s website, click 在这里.


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