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马尼托瓦克은시장에출시하는최신혁신,제품,服务에대해계속해서보고하고있습니다. 请在这里查看manitowoc的最新沙巴体育最新版.


  • 马尼托瓦克用家庭日庆祝活动来鼓舞社区

    •马尼托瓦克在Shady Grove举办了一个家庭日活动, pennsylvania, that brought together its employees and their families for a day of celebration and bonding.

  • Two Grove cranes from Palumbo Heavy Lift team up for spectacular tandem lifts in Naples

    • Palumbo Heavy Lift sent its new Grove gmk5250xl - 1 plus its GMK7450 to remove masts on a Perini Navi superyacht in Naples, 在意大利.
    •公司特别赞赏gmk5250xl - 1的长78.5 m main boom, which helped the team complete the complex lifting work within a day.

  • 新Potain MCR 625是高速列车, 高性能变幅悬臂起重机,适用于全球增长最快的市场

    • The latest luffing jib crane from Potain builds on the design of the popular and proven MR 618 for European and North American markets.
    •它是专为亚洲的增长市场, the middle east, and Latin America and includes moveable counterweights for better space optimization as well as a compact design.
    •MCR 625工作与一个或两个下降的审查, 使提升速度更快,以最大限度地提高生产率.

  • 在伊斯坦布尔机场发生事故后,Grove GMK6300L-1前来救援

    • A Grove GMK6300L-1 was rapidly deployed to assist with an aircraft salvage operation after a plane landed without its front landing gear at Istanbul Airport.

  • 更多的到达,力量和灵活性与新的格罗夫粗糙地形起重机

    • Grove GRT765 and GRT780 were presented to customers at the manitowoc Crane Days event. 交付时间定于今年晚些时候. 
    • Better reach and strength are combined with the latest productivity innovations and design for the ultimate jobsite performance.

  • 韩国的Bong-Hwang增加了Grove gmk5250xl - 1,并开始着手工厂建设

    • South Korean contractor purchases a gmk5250xl - 1 and sends it immediately to support the construction of a new factory. 
    • The company specializes in building factories for electronics and chemical businesses in the Eumseong region of the country.
    •起重机的长臂组合, compact dimensions, 而且极佳的机动性非常适合狭窄的, 当地工业区狭窄的道路.

  • 起重机韩国扩大其机队与两个新的格罗夫五轴全地形起重机

    • The company ordered a GMK5150XL and gmk5250xl - 1 to support its growing roster of projects, 包括在平泽新建半导体工厂.
    •long boom lengths, high capacities, and compact footprints, 使这两种起重机成为起重机韩国支持的各种项目的理想选择.




• The equipment allows students to practice basic crane operations and become more familiar with the controls.
• manitowoc has provided cranes and technical support to every local chapter of the IUOE across the U.S. 和加拿大合作了20多年.


•autaa, a French lifting company and subsidiary of transport and logistics giant Charles André Group (GCA), deployed its new 300 t GMK6300L-1 all-terrain crane to assemble prefabricated modules for a local hospital’s extension. 
•起重机紧凑的尺寸和安静的操作从一开始就给人留下了深刻的印象, ensuring operations at the hospital continued with minimal impact from the expansion work.

Jörn Henselmans appointed Vice President and General Manager for Grove All-Terrain Cranes at manitowoc

•effective april 12, Jörn Henselmans serves as Vice President and General Manager for Grove All-Terrain Cranes at manitowoc Cranes, based in wilhelmshaven, germany.
•Henselmans于2013年10月加入manitowoc, 在公司中承担越来越多的责任, most recently as VP Operations, 高级质量总监和制造总监.

马尼托瓦克重点介绍了在M的技术培训和成功的起重机再制造&t expo 2024

•4月23日至26日期间,马尼托瓦克在M&T Expo in São Paulo will discover the company's latest investments to expand and enhance customer support in Latin America.
•Successful models in Brazil, 例如格罗夫GMK6400-1和翻新的GMK5250L-1, will be on display.
•参观者还将近距离观看MLC165履带式起重机模拟器, 其中最先进的模拟器在起重行业.


• UK-based lifting and equipment provider Southern Cranes has ordered 10 Grove all-terrain cranes, including gmk5150xl, gmk5250xl - 1, GMK3060L-1全地形车型.
• The first gmk5250xl - 1 has already been delivered and the complete order will be fulfilled by midyear.
•新的起重机都是三轴和五轴的, and form part of the company’s wider fleet modernization and diversification strategy.


•manitowoc正在推出两种新的变幅悬臂起重机模型, MR 309 and MR 329, 最大容量有16t和25t两种.
•虽然两台起重机共用一个60米的臂架和3米长的臂架.4 t capacity at the tip, they have different load curves and heights under pivot thanks to the respective 2 m and 2.45米枢轴和桅杆配置.
• The new generation responds to customer feedback for simpler and quicker erection, a greater height under pivot, more powerful load charts, 还有一个更小的停止服务半径(最小9.5米,up to 12米).

Multi-Crane用Potain起重机解决了De Zaanse Helden的工地难题

• Dutch crane company Multi-Crane has deployed six Potain MDT topless tower cranes for the De Zaanse Helden residential project in Zaandam, 位于荷兰阿姆斯特丹附近.
• The project’s confined space demanded meticulous planning of the crane positioning, hook heights, and oversailing. Multi-Crane’s ability to solve the puzzle with its fleet of Potain MDT topless tower cranes won the company the rental contract.

新Potain MCR 625是高速列车, 高性能变幅悬臂起重机,适用于全球增长最快的市场

• The latest luffing jib crane from Potain builds on the design of the popular and proven MR 618 for European and North American markets.
•它是专为亚洲的增长市场, the middle east, and Latin America and includes moveable counterweights for better space optimization as well as a compact design.
•MCR 625工作与一个或两个下降的审查, 使提升速度更快,以最大限度地提高生产率.


• Construction company Tata Projects purchased two Potain MCT 565 A topless tower cranes for a new terminal building project at India’s largest airport.
• The company also rented three Potain MCT 385 A tower cranes from Rental Partners to provide full coverage to the huge infrastructure project.
• Tata Projects engaged manitowoc lift solutions to increase the maximum jib on the MCT 565 A cranes from 80 to 85 m.


• The company plans to unveil a Grove GMK5150L crane with an autism awareness wrap in April as part of its support for the cause.
•over the years, Nimble Crane has prioritized engaging with the surrounding community on important issues.


• The company received 31 Grove all-terrain cranes in 2023 – its largest number from manitowoc in a single year.
•交付包括20个GMK4100L-2, 10个GMK6300L-1,以及它的第一个gmk5250xl - 1.
•build quality, maneuverability, 和服务支助都促成了ILC创纪录的采购数量.

france ' s a.A.Y.M. 为舰队增加了第二台格罗夫起重机

•家族所有的起重和搬运公司购买了第一台Grove起重机, a gmk6300l - 1, in 2021.
• Now it has added a second, a GMK5150XL, following many positive experiences with the GMK6300L-1.
•新起重机在当地一家工厂正常工作, 为工厂屋顶的工作提供材料.